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Enhance community quarantine

How to make yourself productive during quarantine 



                It was March 16, 2020 when Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte imposed an Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) throughout the island of Luzon (which includes Metro Manila)  and then later on the entire country was placed on Enhance community quarantine. Now its almost 2 months of being lockdwon many people are started getting bored at home. So here is some list that we must do in order for us to be productive during quarantine.


1. Get a morning routine
Create a morning ritual, like making a cup of tea right away to re-hydrate, doing a few stretches or playing a happy song; anything that can help you set the tone for your day and that you can do on a regular basis. Avoid snoozing and try to wake up every day at the same time, your internal clock will thank you. Furthermore, and I say this all the time, avoid looking at your phone first thing in the morning, take a few minutes to check in with yourself and then you can check what the rest of the world is doing.


2. Clean your space
Having a neat, clutter-free working space and home will instantly calm you down and reduce distractions during enhance community quarantine. So, if by now you haven’t already cleared out all your cupboards, this is the time! Make your home the place that gives you energy. and relaxation.


3. Exercise 
   Going to the gym may not be a great option right now, and you may not have exercise equipment or dumbbells at home. Don’t worry, though, because there are plenty of ways to stay in shape without weights. Browse YouTube for workout videos, or join an online fitness community. 
The important thing is that you keep moving, get your blood pumping and sweat as much as you can. This will benefit your mind and body equally. It is important for us to stay mentally and physically healthy during enhance community quarantine.


4.  Make a plan (Schedule your day & week)
Start by making a list of the things you want to achieve in the following weeks and have that list somewhere visible. Now that you have a general overview of things that you want to get done, get specific! When are you going to do it? What do you need? Sort your tasks per relevancy and make a daily and weekly plan. Make sure you scratch those completed to-do’s, it feels so good! 


5. Eat healthily
Getting the right fuel into your body will help you feel energized. Fill your fridge up with fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds. Stay clear of junk food and refined sugars; paying extra special attention to your diet during enhance community quarantine in which we are more sedentary than ever, is super important. You can find some of my favourite vegetarian recipes here.


6. Meditate and Pray 
Learning how to quiet your mind is incredibly powerful. It can help us to eliminate negative thoughts, worries and anxiety. Specially during enhance community quarantine most people are getting stress out and frightened because of the news and on what's going on. Mediation and prayers, it has great benefits in terms of productivity as it helps with focus and better sleep. If you don’t know where to start, there are apps like Active Meditation  and InsightTimer that offer free guided meditation sessions. 
The benefits of dedicating time to meditation or prayer are numerous and have been proven in studies over and over again. To truly do nothing but meditate or pray can seem impossible to fit in between the rush to get out the door the morning, eight busy hours at the office and getting the kids to soccer practice. Now, with no commute and newfound extra time, you can.

Start small by dedicating 15 minutes to not looking at your phone or giving in to any other distraction. This time block can grow bigger each day. Like with any workout program, you can’t jump in to the hardcore hour-long commitment on day one; you have to build up those muscles.

Meditation is one practice that you can really improve on with your extra time and, with the benefits you will see in your life, you might just want to continue when things get back to normal.


7. Learn a new skill.
The business world is rapidly changing and new skills are needed constantly, but it can be nearly impossible to learn something new while you’re just trying to keep your head above water at work. so this would be the best time to take that online self development class or improve that God given skills and talent .There are lots of ways to teach yourself, with blogs, apps and online courses at your fingertips. I would personally recommend for those people whose aspiring to be freelancers. If you learn a useful skill during enhance community quarantine, you will return to what may be a difficult job market with a leg up on your competition.  


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